Past Exhibition

Bad Actors

Gillian Ayres / Sandra Blow / Daniel Boccato / Howard Dyke / Pam Evelyn / Dominic Kennedy / David Ostrowski / Kes Richardson

28 SEP - 9 NOV 2019


Bad Actors is a painting exhibition that takes its cue from Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author, a play that calls into question the nature of reality, artifice and authenticity. Each artist presents one significant painting. All the paintings are ambitious in scale, either sharing or exceeding the proportions of the human body. They are displayed informally ‒ propped, wedged, or hung from the columns of the gallery ‒ asserting a physical presence in the space. This exposes both the factual human activity of their making and the illusion of the picture plane, or the work’s character. Each painting utters a private monologue. These utterances connect across the space to create interactions and a constantly shifting story.