Graduate Residents join KARST

This month, KARST is pleased to welcome two graduate artists for a six-month studio residency, Beth Evans (Arts University Plymouth) and Sophie Lines (Bath Spa University).

Beth Evans is a multidisciplinary artist, illustrator and writer whose practice is informed by both lived experience and imagined realities. Taking influence from the scientific and the poetic, Beth adopts non-tangible concepts and transforms them into ‘sculptural metaphors’. Currently, they are exploring what it means to create intimate, autobiographical work whilst simultaneously remaining distant enough that the practice remains emotionally sustainable. 


Beth says: “I can’t wait to be in the studio, working amongst KARST’s community of artists and having the space to let my practice grow organically, maybe in scale, but definitely in concept.”

Sophie Line is an artist fabricating for the future, heavily influenced by found objects, nature and futuristic plants. They explore this through process-based works that evoke an emotional response. Sophie pushes the limits of materiality. This stems from their investigation into sustainable resources, material alternatives and producing their own bioplastics. Sophie intends to blur the boundaries between art, science and design, exploring how they can come together to create sustainable alternatives to environmental issues.


Sophie says: I am thrilled to be joining KARST and cannot wait to engage with the community and fellow creatives. I am excited to explore the unique and diverse natural environment of Plymouth to see how it can inspire and influence my practice.