Graduate Residents join KARST

This month, KARST is pleased to welcome two graduate artists for a six-month studio residency, Jemima Mansell (Arts University Plymouth) and Maisy Timney (Bath Spa University).

Jemima Mansell’s multidisciplinary-led practice explores the resonating relationships formed between humans and technology, a result of technology’s ever-present role in our everyday life. Through methods of installation, poetry and moving image, Jemima addresses ontological themes of embodiment and the blurring of boundaries. Her primary material and muse consists of pre-used and broken technology. 


Jemima says: “During my six month residency at KARST I am looking forward to using the studio to expand upon my practice by taking risks and exploring new ways of making. I imagine this will be invigorated by working amongst the the diverse range of creatives who currently hold studios at KARST”


Maisy Timney’s paintings are a hybrid exploration of digital and painterly aesthetics. Through a formalist approach to abstract painting, Maisy explores motif, form and colour and investigates the interplay between pictorial depth and flatness in a two-dimensional space. Maintaining an intentional inconsistency in the treatment of paint, Maisy’s work demonstrates the tension between the confines of the painted surface and pictorial image.


Maisy says: “I am looking forward to immersing myself in my practice and developing a body of paintings during this residency, exploring new techniques and ideas. I’m also excited to connect with and be inspired by the artists and creatives within the community at KARST.”